FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, February 13, 2025

ATLANTA | Today, Senate Bill 21 passed out of the Senate and will now head to the House for consideration. SB 21, which would waive sovereign immunity for local governments that adopt and implement “sanctuary” policies, is a priority of Lt. Governor Burt Jones for the 2025 Legislative Session. 

“Today, the Senate took a significant step toward increasing security for our local communities and all of Georgia,” said Lt. Governor Burt Jones. “If you enter our country illegally, you are breaking the law, period. While President Donald Trump fights on the national level to secure our borders and keep illegal immigrants off the streets, we will do the same in Georgia. As part of our ongoing commitment and priority to protect our citizens, we are taking a stand against those who attempt to implement sanctuary policies that violate the law and harbor criminals.”

Under SB 21, if a local governing body acts in violation of the prohibition on sanctuary policies, the sovereign immunity of the local governmental body and the governmental immunity of all local officials and employees is waived in cases arising from violations of the anti-sanctuary law. 

For the latest version of Senate Bill 21, please follow this link:


Policy and Communications Director Ines Owens