April 19, 2024
Lt. Governor Burt Jones on Certificate of Need Reform Bill Signing
ATLANTA | Today, Lt. Governor Burt Jones issued a statement on the signing of House Bill 1339, the Lt. Governor’s priority legislation reforming Georgia’s antiquated Certificate of Need (CON) laws.
“The reforms in this bill are critical first steps to removing barriers to quality health care created by Georgia’s antiquated CON laws,” said Lieutenant Governor Burt Jones. “Our efforts will expand health care access regardless of zip code, as seen by recent efforts in Cuthbert. I am proud of the work we have dune thus far to reform our CON laws, and I want to thank Governor Kemp and Speaker Burns for their support. I look forward to continuing our work to provide better access to health care services for all Georgians.”
House Bill 1339 – Reforms Georgia’s Certificate of Need Laws by increasing access to healthcare. Under HB 1339, thresholds are removed and enable health care providers to increase availability of services. Additionally, HB 1339 allows for an exemption for birthing centers, perinatal services, and psych and substance abuse care centers.
For additional information on House Bill 1339, please click here.