June 27, 2024
Lt. Governor Jones Applauds Georgia Reads Campaign Announcement
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, June 27, 2024
ATLANTA | Today, Lt. Governor Burt Jones issued a statement in support of the Georgia Council on Literacy launching the “Georgia Reads Campaign” earlier this week.
“I want to commend Senator Billy Hickman for sponsoring Senate Bill 211, which established the Georgia Council on Literacy and enabled critical initiatives like this to begin,” said Lt. Governor Burt Jones. “By working with the Council, organizations like the Georgia Municipal Association and the Share the Magic Foundation, will further encourage community engagement in our goal to improve literacy outcomes for all of Georgia’s students. Literacy is an essential skill for the future success of our children and our state’s workforce. I look forward to supporting efforts like these to ensure we are doing all we can to prepare our children for a successful future.”
On Monday, the Georgia Council on Literacy announced “The Georgia Reads Campaign,” which aims to raise awareness about the need to improve reading skills in all age groups, encourage activities to increase literacy rates and recognize community partnerships that are actively contributing to a more literate Georgia.
The “Georgia Reads Campaign” includes several initiatives, including Georgia Reads Community Awards. On September 30, the Georgia Reads Community Award application will open and will be closed on November 26.
For more information about the Georgia Council on Literacy and the Georgia Reads Campaign, please visit https://gosa.georgia.gov/georgia-council-literacy.